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HSE claims it has no mandate to pay compensation; insults to healthcare workers continue

DUBLIN: The Health Service Executive and the Irish Government’s disregard for the healthcare workers who suffered day and night, regardless of their own lives, during the COVID-19 pandemic continues. They were not offered any financial recognition for their efforts during yesterday’s compensation negotiations before the Workplace Relations Commission. The HSE representatives also told the Commission that they lacked the authority to make an offer.

So far, the government and HSE have always acknowledged and praised the contributions made by health workers throughout the pandemic, but they have not been willing to agree on their demands or offer enough financial compensation for it. The Workplace Commission was approached to find a solution, but INMO and other unions felt insulted even there. The Workplace Relations Commission will meet again on August 5 to discuss the case.

HSE said it had no mandate to pay compensation

The HSE has made the bizarre statement that it lacks the power to compensate health workers for their service during the pandemic. The unions responded that this was an extreme insult to healthcare workers. The unions suggested that the compensation be given as a financial reward or additional leave.

The HSE staff panel of trade unions said that they have been seeking special recognition for staff since late last year, but no action has been made by the government or the HSE. They also mentioned that health workers in France, Northern Ireland, and Denmark have received staff bonuses or pay increases.

“Both the Taoiseach and Tánaiste have indicated that they would support some recognition, but no offer has yet been presented,” the staff panel said in a statement.

‘This injustice and humiliation cannot be tolerated’

The chair of the council, Tony Fitzpatrick, said healthcare workers had given their best in the fight against COVID-19.

“They have adapted rapidly, worked far beyond their normal responsibilities, and thousands have caught the virus in the line of duty. Our members are deeply insulted that the Government are still not making any proposals to recognise their efforts,” he said.

“We are now facing into a fourth wave of COVID, with no sign of meaningful recognition of the ongoing efforts made by healthcare workers since the onset of the pandemic. After all the hard work and extreme risk, it beggars belief that the HSE has once again come to the table empty-handed,” Mr. Fitzpatrick  added.  

INMO, Siptu, Fórsa, the Irish Medical Organisation, the MLSA, Connect, and Unite are among the unions represented on the panel.

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