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The popularity of the Green Party is declining; Fine Gayle party is number one in popularity

As per some latest opinion poll, there is a downfall of support for the Green Party since they entered into government.

There has been a huge eight-point decline in the support for Eamon Ryan’s party, now they are just 4%.

Other than his party support, the poll also recorded a fall in Mr Ryan’s personal satisfaction rating too. It has fallen massively by 13 points to 27%.

For a party which struggled to make any sort of impact or signature in the government or in the society, these results are deeply hurting ones. The party was also engulfed in controversy over ministerial pay and the hiring of political advisers.

Last week, Green Senator Roisin Garvey, who was appointed to the Seanad by Mr Ryan, caused controversy and upsets by advising party workers not to use big and complex words while addressing rural voters and members of the travel community.

At the same time the poll recorded a hike with regards to the support for Finna Fail. Their support has risen up to three points to 17%. On the other hand, the personal rating of Taoiseach Micheál Martin has fallen seven points to 39pc.

Although Fine Gayle party has dropped two points to 35%, it is still the most popular and favorite party in the country.

Party leader Tánaiste Leo Varadkar’s rating has dropped by 10 points, but Varadkar is still the most popular leader in the country with 65 per cent support.

Support for Sinn Fin, the main opposition party, rose four points to 29 percent.

But Mary Lou MacDonald’s personal rating fell three points to 46 percent.

Others support Solidarity at 1%, the Social Democrats at 2%, the Labor Party at 4% and the Independents at 8%.

Between October 3 and 6, 1,200 people cast their ballots for the Irish Times / IPOS MRBI poll.

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