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Thanks to DFA, over 8,000 Irish citizens are back to the safety of their homes

Over 8,000 citizens Irish citizens, from 126 different countries, returned home during the Covid-19 pandemic, with the assistance of The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).

Speaking before the Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, Mr.Simon Coveney said that the pandemic “left no corner of the globe untouched” and that from the early months of the pandemic itself the department have focused on coordinating assistance to EU citizens.

Coveney also detailed about the financial support provided by Ireland to the global fight against Covid-19. The minister said an EU-wide package has provided over €35 billion till date and also over €140 million to the global Covid-19 response so far this year.

Coveney also expressed his grief over the death of Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, who died aged 65 of coronavirus complications. 

He said how Saeb devoted 30 years of his life to the cause of peace between Palestine and Israel. He offered his condolences to Saeb’s family and to the Palestinian people.

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