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Credit unions offer payment services by contactless transactions; account holders can now use G Pay and Fitbit Pay to pay for goods

DUBLIN: Credit unions have paved the way for people’s desire not to handle money during the COVID-19 crisis. Credit unions offer payment services using contactless cards.

Credit union current account holders can now use Google Pay and Fitbit Pay contactless services to pay for goods. Services are available using the debit Mastercard offered by certain credit unions through the currentaccount.ie brand.

In order to use the services, credit union customers who have the currentaccount.ie debit Mastercard through their current account need to download the app, follow the instructions and submit a one-time passcode (OTP) to complete the process.

Once the process is completed, the customer can hold their phone or Fitbit device to the payment terminal to complete the transaction.

“The use of digital wallet payments provides a safer more secure way to pay that removes the need to handle payment cards, touch physical buttons or exchange cash,” said Seamus Newcombe, Chief Executive of currentaccount.ie.

Mr. Newcombe said that this is a modern way of making payments and that such services are essential, especially in this COVID-19 period. Also, the good news is that with credit union current accounts, contactless payments are free, he added.

Everyone wants to avoid dealing with money as much as possible during the COVID-19 crisis. As a result, the use of contactless payment services, including contactless cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Fitbit Pay, has soared since the onset of pandemic in March. Figures show that since the onset of the pandemic, contactless transactions have risen to 80% across Europe.

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