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Every symptoms won’t be Covid symptoms, but people should be more vigilant

A further 6,110 cases of Covid-19 was confirmed by the HSE in Ireland. Along with this, there have been six additional Covid deaths as well.

Considering the present situation, Dr Tony Holohan said in a press conference that anyone that’s showing flu-like symptoms should think that they have Covid-19.

The Chief Medical Officer said in the Department of Health’s press conference that there’s no one set of symptoms that gives you absolute proof that you have the virus. Essentially, people that have contracted Covid may have a litany of symptoms.

The CMO also pointed out that there have been cases reported in which people tested positive for Covid-19 despite showing no symptoms at all.

As per the HSE, these are the most common symptoms of Covid-19; Fever (high temperature – 38 degrees Celsius or above), New cough – this can be any kind of cough, not just dry, Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties, Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.

“You may not have all of these symptoms. It can take up to 14 days for symptoms to show. They can be similar to symptoms of cold and flu. An early diagnosis from your GP means you can get the help you need and avoid spreading the virus if you have it.” HSE added.

When it comes to the differences between Covid-19 and the flu, there are four main points as stated by the HSE.

  • Shortness of breath is common with Covid but not the flu.
  • Unlike Covid, lost or changed sense of smell or taste is very rare with the flu.
  • Headaches are less prevalent with Covid but they’re a popular symptom of the flu.
  • Feeling sick or vomiting is more frequent with Covid and less so with the flu.

In Ireland also, for younger people, diarrhoea is rare for anyone that has tested positive for Covid-19, but it does happen more regularly for children that have the flu.

Dr Holohan was also asked about the UK variant of the Covid-19 strain in the Monday’s conference and how people have noted that it has different side effects, mainly dizziness.

“If you have flu-like symptoms or any of the symptoms that I’ve just mentioned there, you can pretty much accept that this is likely to be Covid because we’re seeing very little of the other viruses that cause these kinds of symptoms at this time of the year.” He replied.

Holohan also added that “We think a safe assumption for anybody if you’re having symptoms of this kind, is to assume that this is Covid and to take that basic action yourself – self-isolate, contact your GP and your GP will give you advice as to whether it is worthwhile in your individual case, performing a test or not.”

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