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Significant rise in Covid cases, Taoiseach said the reason is not just the ‘UK Variant’

Taoiseach Micheál Martin said that he won’t be blaming the UK coronavirus variant alone for the surge in cases. He pointed out that socialisation over Christmas also played a role in transmission rates.

However, Mr Martin said that the presence of the new UK variant was evident in 45% of samples of recent cases. He said that it is still a major factor in the recent transmission rates here.

Mr Martin added that it’s ‘unfair’ to criticize the Government and asking the government to feel ashamed for their response to the virus before Christmas.

He said that the Government is now doing ‘everything it possibly can’ to get the virus under control again.

Mr Martin was speaking in the light of 6,888 new cases and eight further deaths reported on 10th of this month.

There’s also continuing pressure on hospitals, with Letterkenny University Hospital this morning apologising for leaving some patients waiting in ambulances yesterday for beds to become available.

He defended the Government’s decision to reopen hospitality and allow household visits in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

“Ireland has been in a fairly prolonged period of restrictions of one kind or another… coming into the December period we had a six-week period of level five lockdown… before that we had level three.” he said.

Mr Martin said that the significant hike in the case is because of the new variant in the current situation. He concreated his statement by pointing out the figures from the CMO which shows 42 out of 92 tested virus samples detected the variant.

Meanwhile, he also said that he accepts the fact that socialisation played a role in the current surge.

“We accept our responsibility, but we have acted at all times in responding effectively to the waves that have emerged.” he said.

“Our focus is in getting the current wave under control, getting the numbers down… relieving the pressure on our hospitals, and protecting the vulnerable and elderly in our community. That’s my entire focus now…. Over time, people can reflect on this and make their observations and conclusions.” Mr Martin added.

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