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‘Kill the Bill’ protests rage across England despite lockdown; more powers for police to mute protests

‘Kill the Bill’ protests rage across England in response to the government’s plans to increase police powers. On Saturday alone, 107 people were arrested in London, Metropolitan Police said. Even as the arrests continue, “peaceful” demonstrations in various parts of the country continue. Despite the COVID-19 lockdown, thousands of people marched in towns and cities against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

Footage shared on social media shows that legal observers monitoring police actions were also arrested during the demonstration. A woman was also arrested on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon.

Protesters say the proposed legislation would give police in England and Wales more power to impose various conditions on non-violent protests. The police have the authority to levy fines or imprisonment for making noise or causing a nuisance. Protests against the bill erupted in London, Newcastle, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Dorset.

Scotland Yard said 107 people were arrested during the demonstration in central London. Protesters have been charged with a variety of offenses, including breach of the peace, violent disorder, assault on a police officer, and violations of COVID-19 legislation. The force had earlier said that 10 officers were slightly injured.

“While our advice to people remains not to attend large gatherings, the vast majority of people who attended central London yesterday adhered to social distancing, and engaged and listened to my officers. However, as the afternoon wore on it became clear that a small number of people were intent on remaining to cause disruption to law-abiding Londoners,” said Commander Ade Adelekan.

“Despite repeated instructions from officers to leave, they did not and, amid increasing levels of disorder, arrests were made,” he added.

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