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Amazon, the most trusted shopping site for Irish people

Amazon is the most trusted site for Irish people for online shopping. Irish shopping through Amazon tripled last month.

The leap comes as Irish consumers rely on Amazon for online shopping during the Covid era. New figures from the Bank of Ireland show that Irish customers’ Amazon spending tripled last month.

The Bank of Ireland’s new data shows that the bank’s debit card usage increased by 7% in November compared to the previous year. The bank says the surge in online shopping is due to Covid restrictions.

Expenditure on computers, software and electronics rose by 82 per cent, gambling by 65 per cent, books by 43 per cent and groceries by 24 per cent in November.

At the same time, passenger transport transactions fell by 70 per cent, accommodation costs by 81 per cent and restaurants by 45 per cent. Debit card spending for Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday was only slightly higher than last year. Increased by one per cent and eight per cent, respectively.

Retail stores across the country have been bustling with debit card transactions since December 1, following the easing of restrictions. The bank had reported a 42 per cent increase over the same period last year.

Jer Thompson, head of current account banking at the Bank of Ireland, said rising consumer spending in November was driven by rising costs of electronic devices and books in the Covid context.

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