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Spot penalty for parking illegally in bus and cycle lanes

DUBLIN: The Dublin City Council is set to introduce a system that will penalise illegal parking in the city with spot fines. Enforcement will be carried out by Dublin Street Parking Services (DSPS) on behalf of the Council.

The new spot fine system is aimed at those who park illegally on footpaths, bus and bicycle lanes. The pilot scheme, which will come into effect from June 1, will last for 12 months.

Drivers who park illegally will be fined on the spot. The Dublin City Council said the project will complement the existing options for dealing with illegally parked cars of clamping, relocation and removal to the Pound. The DCC said in a statement that DSPS will focus on ensuring better travel in the city for people and vehicles.

While the existing options are effective in the majority of cases, they are inadequate in dealing with illegal parking on bus and bicycle lanes and footpaths.

Christy Burke, Chair of the Transportation SPC welcomed the move. “This initiative is welcome and we would ask all people to park legally and ensure that footpaths are kept clear. Parking illegally on footpaths blocks access for the mobility and visually impaired users, for people with buggies and any action which reduces this parking is to be supported,” he said.

Dermot Stevenson, Parking Enforcement Officer, said a new scheme was needed to augment the existing system. “Dublin City Council needs an additional form of enforcement in order to keep the city moving. Vehicles illegally parked on a short term basis can disrupt the flow of traffic and cause problems for pedestrians and cyclists,” Mr. Stevenson said.

“We have done extensive research with other local authorities in recent months and we believe that this additional enforcement tool will increase parking compliance in key areas,” he added.

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