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Violation of Public Health Guidelines might empty your pocket

In the context of Level 5 restrictions, the Cabinet has agreed to advance legislation providing Gardai with the power to issue fines on those who breaches public health guidelines.

The fine for breaching Covid-19 restrictions will come into effect in Ireland from next week onwards.

The Level 5 restrictions were implemented in Ireland from 21st October to December 1. The authorities had already made it clear that the restrictions may be restored to level 3 depending on the conditions later on.

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee, on speaking about the implementation of fining system said that the vast majority of people are adjusting with the public health guidelines and also said that the penalties will be implied as a last choice.

As per the reports, the fining system will come into effect at the end of the third week of the Level five restrictions. The maximum fines have already been fixed, whereas the detailed list or notification is not yet out.

For those who organizes or hosts parties, travelling beyond the permitted 5km and violates the rule for wearing face shield or mask should pay a fine amount ranging from €60 and €2,500, depending upon the intensity of the fault committed.

Repeating these crimes will force one to pay higher fines. Those who refuse to pay fine might end up seeing themselves before the court and this might result in severe punishments including financial penalties, imprisonment, etc.  

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly will sign off the new order later this week. As per the reports, the exact details of the legislation are still under process.

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