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Lockdown to be imposed in more Counties -Health Minister

Health Minister Stephen Donnelly has hinted that more counties are on the lockdown as the spread of covid in Ireland continues to be extremely serious.

At present level 3 restrictions are only applied to Dublin and Donegel.

However, there are serious concerns in Cork, Galway, Lot and Wicklow as the Covid cases are rising sharply here.

The health department has decided to impose strict controls in these areas unless the spread of the disease is reduced.

Meanwhile, Donnell said that they are keeping a close eye on the Covid-19 situation in the capital, which is growing by the day.

He added that Dublin’s Level 3 regulations are coming into effect and the majority of people are complying with public health regulations.

At the same time, he said, public health experts should work to reduce the rate of seven-day covid cases in Ireland to less than half the rate of 14 days.

The last two weeks of test positivity in Dublin have been 147 per lakh; The seven-day rate here is 78.

Donnelly says he and The Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ronan Glyn would like to see the seven days positive rate going down each day.

He said that in the vast majority of cases in Dublin, people limit their involvement and do what they are supposed to do. Donnelli said people should minimize social contact and strictly adhere to the regulations to bring down the number of Covid cases.

At the same time, the Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr. A.S. Ronan Glynn said that in the context of the Covid expansion, families in Ireland need to minimize and restrict their contact.

He said family members should come together to discuss how to reduce contact and make plans to reduce the number of outside family members they meet.

He also warns that the situation could worsen if every individual, family, workplace and organization did not play their part in the Covid defense.

In the wake of the Covid expansion, the government has suggested that people in Donegal and Dublin should adopt a work-from-home approach if they do not need to be present in person at work.

Glynn said people in different parts of the country should think that Covid is spreading in their community and act accordingly to resist it.

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