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Referendum 2020: Under the guise of social justice, a dreaded plan to revive Khalistan

New Delhi, Aug 10: There is hectic activity to ensure that the Referendum 2020 event to be held in London is a major success. Much to India’s dismay, the UK government sent a formal Note Verbale to Delhi conveying its inability to block the event.

The proposed event will be held at the Trafalgar Square on August 12 and is being organised by the SJF or the Sikhs for Justice. Officials in India tell OneIndia that the the SJF has been acting as a front for terror activities. The SJF is a New York based organisation which is organising the event and several reports in India prepared by the various agencies clearly suggest that it is a pro-Khalistan front. It has been instrumental in undertaking both pro-khalistan and anti-India activities, both in the US and other countries.

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