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Trump praises Ireland for not raising tax amidst recession

Ireland’s economic approach gets a praise unexpectedly when US president Donald Trump congratulated the country for keeping the taxes low even amidst the hard times of recession.

The country has done an “amazing job”, said Trump in an interview with The Economist.

Trump discussed a range of issues but, unprompted, singled out Ireland for its approach to taxing businesses in recent years.

The interviewer had asked the President how he would calculate success in his economic policies, and if it would be similar to how he judges the success of his businesses.

He said that a lot of companies had been forced out of the US because of high taxes, and said that there are some that would return to the US if the environment was more business-friendly.

He then cited Ireland as an example of a country that created such an environment, even during the economic downturn:

“You look at Ireland. I own great property in Ireland that I bought during the downturn. And I give the Irish a lot, a lot of credit,” he said.

He went on further saying that, “They never raised their taxes. You know you would have thought when they were going through that really… they would’ve double and tripled their taxes. They never raised it a penny.”

“And they got through it and they are thriving now. Ireland’s done an amazing job. A lot of companies have moved to Ireland and they like it.” he added.

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