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Together they say ‘Ok Google’; Google and HSE most favorite companies of Students and Professionals

An IrishJobs.ie/Universum survey has found that Google and the HSE are the most favorite employers for students as well as professionals.

In a study for the Most Attractive Employers Index Ireland 2020, which took the opinions of nearly 12000 students and around 7000 professionals reveal that workers are more interested for a job in the Civil Service.

Health and medicines included more open to public jobs. They gave more preference to the HSE and the Educational Department, where as no public sector organization were listed among the top 30 for business or IT students.

IrishJobs.ie general manager Orla Moran said that the students really want to work for international franchises because, there are chances and opportunities to earn a handsome salary and also to travel.

‘However, as professionals progress in their careers, their priorities change and considerations such as work-life balance and job security come to the fore.’ she said.

The tech and professional services industries like Google, Apple, KPMG, PwC and Facebook, are the top 5 employers for the students in the business sector.

Other sectors like Intel, IBM, Dell, Samsung, Twitter along with Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon ad Facebook are the dream destinations for students from the IT sector.

Pharmaceutical and consumer goods giants such as Pfizer, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline and Boston Scientific were the most striking workplaces in the health and medicine sector.

Ms Moran added that, employers should recognize the nuances and changing motivations of their employees at different stages of their career.

‘Equally, employers must remain agile to changing market conditions. For example, if an organization is implementing the same employment brand or recruitment strategy as twelve months ago, it is no longer fit for purpose.’ She said.

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