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Pandemic compensation to nurses in Ireland: claims by health staff will be heard today

DUBLIN: Problems with nurses and other staff related to compensation for distress service during the COVID period may soon be resolved. The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) will soon make a decision on the issue, which has been left unresolved by the government and the HSE.

The case was brought before the WRC after healthcare workers, including nurses, who worked tirelessly day and night throughout the pandemic did not receive the benefits to which they were entitled. The government and the HSE have been dragging their feet on this matter, refusing to make a decision. All they do is always praise the health workers for their efforts and never make any decisions about their needs.

Following the Government’s and the HSE’s continued ignorance, trade unions and the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) approached the WRC. The INMO filed its own claim, seeking 10 days of additional leave for its members. The Commission will have a hearing in these two cases today.

Both claims were submitted to the Health and Safety Executive at the end of 2020. The HSE had said it would definitely consider the workers’ needs but no action had been taken.

Employees of State-owned transport companies – Irish Rail, Bus Éireann and Dublin Bus – have also demanded additional leave or some other form of compensation for their extra work during the pandemic.

Trade union Siptu welcomed the WRC’s intervention in dealing with the claim for recognition of their services during the pandemic. Siptu and INMO hope that the Commission’s intervention will resolve the issue.

Tánaiste Leo Varadkar suggested in February that employees who worked throughout the pandemic be compensated with cash or given additional leave. All political party leaders, including the Taoiseach and the Minister of Health, had said that benefits for nurses and other workers will be considered. But even 18 months after the onset of the pandemic, no decision has been made. In such a case, the decision of the Workplace Relations Commission will be decisive.

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