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Schools may reopen next week; HSE releases new advice and guidelines for parents

As previously decided the schools in Ireland will soon be reopened. On this occasion the HSE and the Department of health has released new guideline and advice for parents and guardians. The new advice is about when students can attend school and when they cannot.

If the student or any member of the house have symptoms of Covid-19, parents must make sure that the student is not attending the school. Other details relating to this had been published last month itself.

HSE has now came up with a number of guidelines on when children should be kept at home and when they could be sent to school.

The guideline says that simple cold and running nose are not a matter of concern, because these might be the symptoms of a common cold. The advice note says that students gets cold, flu and other infections and it is important to monitor the symptoms, consult the pharmacist and know the issue.

  • A temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or more
  • Any other common symptoms of coronavirus such as a new cough, loss or changed sense of taste or smell, or shortness of breath
  • Been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus
  • Been living with someone who is unwell and may have coronavirus

These are the things parents should look for. Parents cans happily send their kids to school or kindergartens if they are free from the above criterions.

If any of the above-mentioned criteria matches with you, then the parents need to:

1. Isolate your child. This means keeping them at home and completely avoiding contact with other people. as much as possible. Your child should only leave your home to have a test or to see your GP.

2. Phone your GP. They will advise you if your child needs a coronavirus test.

3. Everyone that your child lives with should also restrict their movements, at least until your child gets a diagnosis from their GP or a coronavirus test result. This means not going to school, childcare or work.

4. Treat your child at home for their symptoms.

Speaking at a Department of Health briefing this evening, Dr Mary Favier of the Irish College General Practitioners (ICGP) said that like the past the kids will be normal when they resume their schooling. Parents should be vigilant and smart to know the problems of the kids if they have any and also should observe them too. If parents happen to see a risk of action, then they shouldn’t send their kids to school, instead keep them at home for two days and check whether there is any change in the symptoms or not.

“For most parents it’s about saying any child who has a temperature shouldn’t go to school. Any child who has a cough shouldn’t go school. Any child who has any of the symptoms that might actually suggest Covid, which would for instance be when an older child tells you that their taste isn’t usual or they feel unwell. Generally a child who is feeling unwell should stay at home for a 48 hours until after the symptoms settle.” She said.

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