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Dogs were deployed at Helsinki Airport to detect coronavirus

Finland deployed sniffer dogs to detect corona virus presence. Sniper dogs were hired to detect Coronavirus at Helsinki International Airport.

Finland is the second country in the world and the first in Europe to launch such a project. The UAE has launched an innovative project at Dubai International Airport this summer.

This alternative method of smelling the disease is considered to be inexpensive and fast.

The corona virus-sniffing dogs were deployed at the Helsinki airport in Finland on a four-month trial basis. The Finland’s Smell Detection Association has trained four dogs of different breeds with government funding.

Anna Hielm-Bjorkman, a University of Helsinki professor of equine and small animal medicine, said, It’s a very promising method and dogs excel at sniffing.

Trainers have compiled a list of places where trained dogs can work, such as hospitals, ports, nursing homes, and sports and cultural venues.

Researchers in many countries, including Australia, France, Germany and the United States, are studying about these coronavirus dictator dogs.

The test is completely free

Not only is this inspection free, but passengers do not have to deal directly with dogs. After wiping the body, it is sufficient to deposit the wipe in a jar. They are then delivered to the inspection dogs in a special booth.

The inspection team included four dogs, ET, Kossi, Miina and Valo. Previously, they had been trained to diagnose diseases such as cancer and diabetes. They give the test result by scratching a paw, laying down, barking. This will happen within 10 seconds. The verification process will be completed within a minute. If the result here is positive, passengers will be asked to perform a PCR corona virus test to check accuracy.

Duty is given to ‘two people’ at a time. The other two will be on duty while they rest. Dogs do not get tired if the smell is low. But trainers say that if there is a lot of smell, the dogs will get tired quickly. The program will cost 300 euros, said Timo Aronkyto, the deputy mayor of Vantaa

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