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Dáil passes Dying with Dignity Bill; will go into detailed examination

In Ireland, the government will provide an opportunity to die of one’s own free will for those who are on the verge of death due to a fatal disease. Dáil approved the Dying with Dignity Bill, which guarantees an assisted dying for the terminally ill.

As the bill has passed it will now be subjected to detailed scrutiny by various committees for legislation. Only then will the bill become fully legal.

81 TDs voted in favor of the bill while 71 opposed it.

At the same time, the government’s attempt to set up a special committee for 12 months to examine the bill was unsuccessful. Dáil rejected a government resolution in this regard. All the ministers supported the government resolution but all the other TDs in the three main allies voted conscientiously. It was supported by four Fianna Fáil deputies, ten Fine Gael members and 12 TDs from the Green Party.

The Dying With Dignity Bill is sponsored by Solidarity-PBP TD Gino Kenny. James Lawless, Fianna Fáil TD of Kildare North, was one of those who supported the bill after the government resolution failed. Sinn Féin, Labour and the Social Democrats all voted for the bill to proceed.

The Parliament of Ireland is preparing for a very complex piece of legislation. The future and consequences of this law cannot be predicted at this time.  

The bill was introduced by People Before Profit TD Gino Kenny. The bill would enable citizens with fatal diseases to die with medical care. This system is legal in many other countries. Even though this could be a controversial law, but there are many in Ireland who support it.

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