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Latest study says that Covid immune system declines after a few months

New finding shows that the Covid immune system declines after three months.

A study by Imperial College London found that even if an effective vaccine is released, it still needs to be vaccinated twice a year.

The study focused on 365,000 people in the UK found that body antibodies dropped by a quarter in three months.

New research suggests that even if a successful vaccine is found to be immunosuppressive, it may still need to be used twice a year. The study also found that only one in 20 people in the UK last month developed antibodies against Covid.

A study by the British Department of Health found that antibodies developed in six per cent of the population in June after the first wave of Covid. However, a study three months later found that it had dropped to 4.4 percent.

The decline was recorded within six weeks.

The weakest people recorded the most declines. In people over the age of 75, antibody levels dropped by as much as 40 percent between June and September.

The study points out that countries will have to wait a long time to achieve herd immunity and this will not be possible without an effective vaccine.

Covid was found to have a sharp decline in immunity in the most severely affected. Antibody levels decreased by 39% in those aged 75 and over, while those between the ages of 18 and 24 reported a decrease of only 15%.

Although the level of antibody needed to prevent Covid recurrence has not yet been confirmed, scientists believe that low levels of antibody will make the body resistant to Covid.

However, those who are once infected with the Covid are likely to get the disease again.

At the same time, scientists said the study found that the UK lags far behind in achieving hereditary immunity.

“I think what we are showing is that there is a really big challenge to that, which is immunity is waning quite rapidly. After three months, we’ve already shown a 26pc decline in antibodies,” said, the lead researcher and an Imperial public health expert, Prof Helen Ward.

He says 95 out of 100 people are not immune to the disease and therefore need to keep a safe distance from areas where the disease can spread.

At the same time, the study points out that Covid is more likely to come and go as often as the common cold. Prof Wendy Barclay said.

“The big picture here is that after the first wave, the great majority of the country still did not have evidence of protective immunity,” said Prof Graham Cooke another Imperial infectious diseases expert.

Although the proportion of people confirmed by Covid is now low, there are thousands of unidentified people in the country, he said.

Therefore, he added that the need for effective Covid vaccine to protect a large segment of the population is still great.

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