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WHO extends helping hand to poor countries; 120 million COVID test kits will be available in six months

WHO is ready to make COVID test kits available at affordable rates to poor countries.

WHO Chief Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said they intended to make the rapid test kits available for $5 in the first phase. The rate will be reduced later.

The WHO has decided to make 120 million COVID test kits available within six months.

The kits will be provided by pharmaceutical companies Abbott and SD BioSensor in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The WHO also said that the system of receiving COVID test results within minutes would be very helpful to both developing and underdeveloped countries.

The kits will be available in 133 countries over the next six months. The WHO said the test kits would be cheaper and faster.

Tedros said the test results with these kits will be available in 15-30 minutes.

Its biggest advantage is that in countries where there is a shortage of health workers and laboratories, the COVID test can be performed at a cost of $5.

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