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Case filed against the parents who brutally punished their children

Limerick: A case was registered against the parents who brutally punished the children. The court then ordered that the care of the three children be left to the Social Welfare authorities. The decision was made at a family law court hearing.

Children were given to Tusla (Child and Family Agency) for 28 days to take care. The court also ordered that the parents not be informed of the children’s new address.

The atrocities were reported to the court by the child care coordinator at the local shelter. A six-year – old boy was beaten with a rod and stuff like that. He was in so much pain that he could not even pull his trousers.

The three-year-old was beaten with a shoe. There are cuts and bruises all over this little girl’s body.

The children’s mother had filed a lawsuit against her husband in July for persistent abuse. The father of two of the woman’s three children is in custody. The court then handed over to her the responsibility of taking care of the children. But later she spoke in favor of her husband.

She told the court that all the stories she had told earlier and now that children were being abused were lies. But this was not accepted by the court.

From the investigation of Tusla’s co-ordinators and the Garda it got confirmed that the husband’s assault and domestic violence was true. And then the court handed over the responsibility to Tusla to take care of the children. The children also said they did not want to stay with their father.

The mother had taken the children to the father’s new address by violating the security arrangements made by Tusla for the children. Following this, Tusla decided to apply to the court for an Interim Care Order (ICO).

Meanwhile, Garda and social workers arrived at the father’s address and moved the children to the home of a relative of the mother. But Tusla said the system was not available at the moment.

But the father denied his crime in court. He said that everything she said from the beginning was a lie and that he loved children and never harmed them. He told the court that his wife had come to court and had been lying because of a dispute about money.

But the testimonies of Tusla’s social workers and relatives were against the parents. The children and mother were also questioned as part of the Garda investigation. The Garda report also proved that what the parents were saying was not true.

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