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Indian variant is more prevalent in Dublin and Cork – latest analysis reveals

DUBLIN: A recent analysis reveals that most clusters of the Indian variant of COVID-19 are located in Dublin and Cork. A report showing that the Indian variant is more common in Dublin and Cork Counties is based on an analysis by GISAID, the international scientific clearing house for variant sequencing.

The report reveals that the Indian variant entered Ireland by four different routes: India, the USA, Austria and the UK.

Negotiations with the European Union regarding the re-opening are in progress. Meanwhile, the US was removed from Ireland’s mandatory hotel quarantine list.

155 Indian variant cases in Ireland

The National Virus Reference Laboratory (NVRL) has detected 97 cases of B.1.617.2, the strongest of the Indian variants, through a sequencing program. The NVRL has also discovered 58 cases of relatively less potent Indian strain known as B.1.617.1.

With this, 155 cases related to the Indian variant have been confirmed in Ireland. Of these, 88 cases are in Dublin and 42 in Cork. Kerry (2), Waterford (1), Limerick (5), Wicklow (2), Westmeath (5), Roscommon (1), Mayo (1), Meath (1), Monaghan (3), and Leitrim (2) are the other counties having Indian variant cases. The other two cases are said to be in Leinster.

The figures are based on samples collected on May 13, implying that the number of Indian variant cases has already increased.

A technical paper published by Public Health England stated that the growth rate of the Indian variant was 99% higher than that of the Kent variant. This means that the Indian variant spreads twice as fast as the Kent variant.

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