Join for a week-long celebration, learning, and action dedicated to promoting dark skies and combating light pollution!
International Dark Sky Week (IDSW) is a global event that raises awareness about light pollution, encourages simple solutions to address the issue, and celebrates the natural beauty of the night sky. Spearheaded by DarkSky International, IDSW originated in 2003 thanks to high school student Jennifer Barlow’s initiative.
This year, IDSW will take place from April 2nd to April 8th, coinciding with Global Astronomy Month and culminating with the Great North American Eclipse.
Here’s how you can participate:
1. Visit the official event website at for more information and resources.
2. Gather friends and family to enjoy the nighttime environment. Take the opportunity to observe the stars and explore the wonders of the dark sky.
3. Spread awareness about light pollution and the importance of preserving dark skies. Start conversations with your community and representatives about the need for action.
4. Contribute to citizen science efforts by collecting data on the night sky in your area through Globe at Night.
5. Educate yourself about the impact of artificial light at night on various aspects of life, including human health, the environment, energy consumption, safety, and cultural heritage.
6. Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #IDSW to share your experiences and connect with others passionate about protecting dark skies.
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