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WHO expressed concern over the confirmation of more than 350K COVID cases worldwide in last 24 hours; serious concerns continues in European countries as well

The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed grave concern over the reporting of more than 350,000 new COVID-19 cases worldwide yesterday.

Dr. Michael Ryan, WHO emergencies chief, has acknowledged the spike in the number of cases of coronavirus worldwide, but has said there are no new answers.

Dr. Ryan noted while the health agency wants to avoid lockdowns that could devastate the country’s economy, governments need to ensure that vulnerable people are protected and take steps to do so.

While the increase in COVID cases worries most countries, the situation is no different in Europe. Of the 350,766 cases confirmed yesterday, 109,000 were from European countries.

Let’s look at the situation in the few European countries:

● Spain

People in the Spanish capital and surrounding areas, have been warned to be vigilant following the rise in COVID-19 cases.Police were also deployed following a state of alert.

The state of alert was revoked by a court order two days ago but will now be effective for 15 days as it has been re-imposed by the central government. This will restrict all unnecessary travel in and out of the city. Restrictions on bars, restaurants, venues, shops and sports will also be renewed.

The Spanish interior minister said 7,000 police would be deployed to enforce the restrictions. So far, about 848K+ COVID cases have been confirmed in Spain with 32,688 deaths. 12788 new cases were confirmed in the country yesterday.

● Germany

Germany is a country that has not been badly affected by COVID-19 pandemic. But with more than 4,000 new cases confirmed in the country yesterday, minor concerns are spreading.

Further 4516 cases were confirmed in the country yesterday. More than 316K cases and 9545 deaths have been reported so far.

The health minister had yesterday expressed concern that there would be an uncontrolled outbreak in the country. Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Friday that new restrictions would be imposed soon if the contamination wasn’t halted.

● France

Lyon, Grenoble, Saint-Etienne and Lille joining Paris and Aix-Marseille as maximum alert zones. In these areas bars are being closed, and restaurants will have to enforce strict measures to remain open. Strict measures are incoming in more cities.

The country’s COVID rate is currently booming at a rate of 250 cases per lakh. At least 30 per cent of intensive care beds are reserved for COVID-19 patients.

A total of 20,339 cases were confirmed in France yesterday. Over 6 lakh 92 thousand cases and 32,583 deaths have been reported in the country so far.


Health Department in Belgium confirmed 5728 COVID cases yesterday. With this, the total number of confirmed cases has come close to one lakh and fifty thousand. A total of 10,151 deaths have been reported in connection with virus.

Cafés and bars closed on Thursday morning throughout the Brussels region.

● Poland

The government has announced that it is making the wearing of protective masks compulsory throughout the public space.

4739 cases were confirmed in Poland yesterday. A total of 116k+ cases and 2919 deaths were confirmed.


In Austria, the government may re-impose restrictions as record cases are confirmed within 24 hours. But this has not been confirmed yet.

A total of 1131 cases were confirmed in France yesterday. 53,188 cases and 842 deaths have been reported in the country so far.

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